
Greater Heat Learn more about Greater Heat

  • What day is Greater Heat?

    What day is Greater Heat?

    What day is Greater Heat?

  • What vegetables does Greater Heat eat? 7 kinds of seasonal health vegetables are recommended.

    What vegetables does Greater Heat eat? 7 kinds of seasonal health vegetables are recommended.

    What kind of vegetables should Greater Heat eat? Greater Heat, one of the 24 solar terms, is the hottest period of the year. In hot weather, people are also very important in diet.

  • Greater Heat doesn't miss the farming season in season.

    Greater Heat doesn't miss the farming season in season.

    Farmers in Shixia Village, Renshou Town, Jing'an County, Jiangxi Province, drive agricultural machinery to harvest early rice on July 23. It was Greater Heat in the 24 solar terms, and the farmers were busy working in the fields without missing the farming season. Issued by Xinhua News Agency (photo by Xu Zhongting), Renshou, Jing'an County, Jiangxi Province, July 23

    2016-01-10 Greater Heat season right Nongshi July 23 Jing an County Jiangxi Province
  • What if the cotton is flooded in Greater Heat's season?

    What if the cotton is flooded in Greater Heat's season?

    Lesser Heat and Greater Heat are in July. This month is the hottest month of the year. It is necessary to do a good job in flood control, summer heat prevention and drought relief, timely rush harvest of early rice, application of tiller panicle fertilizer in middle rice, loosening soil, topping, applying flower fertilizer in cotton, and controlling red bollworm and cotton lacewing insects. Rush to plant late autumn crops at the right time. Do a good job in ventilation and cooling of livestock and poultry cages to prevent human and animal heatstroke. Most of the cotton fields in our province are in a state of dark stains at present. At present, cotton is in the most critical period of transformation from vegetative growth to reproductive growth, and it is also the most critical period for the increase of cotton buds and bolls, so emergency management should be taken immediately.

  • 24 solar terms are related knowledge.

    24 solar terms are related knowledge.

    24 solar terms are related knowledge.

  • Why do you say Greater Heat Lao Duck wins tonic? Is the market price 18 yuan for a roast duck reliable?

    Why do you say Greater Heat Lao Duck wins tonic? Is the market price 18 yuan for a roast duck reliable?

    There is a folk saying that Greater Heat Lao Duck wins tonic. But recently, some rumors on the Internet have made it difficult for many consumers. Rumor has it that the whole roast duck sold in some deli sells for only 18 yuan. These rumors often attract attention with the words they hear. Then the market price

    2020-11-11 Why say Greater Heat Lao Duck Sheng tonic market price 18 yuan
  • Greater Heat's mid-term management techniques for solar terms cotton production

    Greater Heat's mid-term management techniques for solar terms cotton production

    To promote mainly, promote the combination of control, so as to control large seedlings, promote small seedlings, supplement weak seedlings, promote the transformation of weak seedlings, achieve balanced growth of strong seedlings, and set up high-yield shelves as soon as possible. Scientific fertilizer and water management is early and stable application of bud fertilizer. It is necessary to apply bud fertilizer to weak seedlings early, generally mastering the application of urea 5-7 kg per mu, cake fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer 25-50 kg each. Second, early and heavy application of flower and boll fertilizer. Generally at the end of early July, when there are 1 or 2 big peaches in the lower part of the cotton plant, topdressing is carried out and 15kg urea is applied per mu. The third is to apply top fertilizer.

  • What does the End of Heat mean?

    What does the End of Heat mean?

    What does the End of Heat mean?

  • Tortoise songs in December

    Tortoise songs in December

    Frozen water turned into ice in January. Lesser Cold and Greater Cold regularly checked to prevent enemy damage while sleeping, and the young turtles did not relax in special care. When the Beginning of Spring and Rain Water came in February, the chilling ice was first opened in spring, and the turtle pond was protected against cold and heat preservation, and the work was arranged early for one year. The spring light of the Spring Equinox is beautiful, the tortoise dream awakens the rain and Fei Fei, raises worms to prepare bait, and the turtle swims in new water in March. In April, Grain Rain again during the Qingming Festival, added bait and re-management, four will be put into feeding science, and there will be a good period of reproductive growth. The Beginning of Summer meets Lesser Fullness of Grain in May, clean water quality should not be slow, turtle disease should be prevented as early as possible in one year, and disinfection should be given.

  • Symptoms and treatment of heat stroke in sheep

    Symptoms and treatment of heat stroke in sheep

    Heat syndrome in sheep is the general name of solar radiation disease and heat radiation disease. Solar radiation disease is an acute disease of cerebral and meningeal congestion caused by direct sunlight on the head of sheep; heat radiation disease is a disease of central nervous system disorder caused by heat accumulation in the body due to humid and muggy weather, heat production of the body is greater than heat dissipation. The expert relieves the disease. Etiology of ⑴: solar radiation sickness is due to the scorching sun in the head, so that the head overheating, resulting in brain and meningeal congestion. Heat radiation sickness is due to high external temperature, damp, muggy, crowded, narrow in the sheep house, or poor ventilation and heat during vehicle and boat movement.

  • The difference between Koryo's participation in American Ginseng

    The difference between Koryo's participation in American Ginseng

    The difference between Koryo's participation in American Ginseng

  • Environmental countermeasures to reduce stress in pigs

    Environmental countermeasures to reduce stress in pigs

    1. When controlling the heat stress of the feeding density, the feeding density should be strictly controlled in order to facilitate the heat dissipation and air circulation of the pigs. the suitable feeding density is generally 0.74 square meters for the pigs less than 45 kilograms, and 0.37 square meters for the leaky floor. For pigs greater than 45 kilograms, the solid floor is 0.93 square meters per head and the leaky floor is 0.56 square meters per head. 2. to provide a suitable environment, the orientation of the pig house should be in the north-south direction to reduce

  • Orchid cultivation: 24 solar terms and orchids

    Orchid cultivation: 24 solar terms and orchids

    Orchid cultivation: 24 solar terms and orchids

  • It is not too late to know that orchids will suffer from heatstroke in the heat of summer.

    It is not too late to know that orchids will suffer from heatstroke in the heat of summer.

    After mid-July, Jixi, Anhui Province, where the farmers are located, has officially entered the mode of high temperature. The weather forecast in recent days shows that the highest temperature is above 35 degrees Celsius. The real summer has come, every year on July 20 (Greater Heat.

  • Cultivation techniques of purple cabbage with better nutrition and greater market prospect

    Cultivation techniques of purple cabbage with better nutrition and greater market prospect

    Cultivation techniques of purple cabbage with better nutrition and greater market prospect

  • Take advantage of the season to raise orchids well

    Take advantage of the season to raise orchids well

    The emergence, growth, flowering and fruit of orchids are closely related to seasons. If you rely on seasons to cultivate orchids, orchids will be exuberant. From January to March, it is the festive season for Lesser Cold, Greater Cold, the Beginning of Spring, Rain Water, sting and the Spring Equinox. During this period, the spring orchid bud grows, and the orchid likes to be warm and afraid of wet, dry and afraid of dryness, so it is necessary to pour some water on the edge of the basin. Rain.

  • Notes on raising orchids in July

    Notes on raising orchids in July

    First, this month, there are two seasons, Lesser Heat (7th or 8th) and Greater Heat (23rd or 24th). The monthly average temperature is above 30 °C. it is the highest month of the year, and more than 2/3 of the weather is a sunny day with scorching sun and scorching heat. Therefore, the main work this month is to strengthen shading and use.

  • Effects of different temperatures on Pigs and its Countermeasures

    Effects of different temperatures on Pigs and its Countermeasures

    First, the effect of environmental temperature on pigs. 1. The effect on the health of pigs. In the environment of continuous high temperature, the resistance of pigs decreased significantly, the body heat balance was destroyed, the body temperature increased, coma, heat radiation disease occurred, and died in severe cases. In a low temperature environment, pigs contract peripheral blood vessels in order to keep warm, causing local frostbite. Low temperature can cause respiratory diseases, but also often cause rheumatism, arthritis and other diseases. Low temperature has a greater impact on piglets. According to statistics, half of the piglets who died were frozen to death or died of cold-related diseases.

  • Three guarantees of navel Orange in four Seasons

    Three guarantees of navel Orange in four Seasons

    With the development of navel orange industry in Gannan. The management technology of navel orange is becoming more and more important all the year round. The main results are as follows: (1) Autumn shoot is the main fruiting mother branch of navel orange, which should be promoted according to different climatic conditions. Generally speaking, one week after Lesser Heat, nitrogen fertilizer was applied to promote germination according to the amount of fruit hanging on the plant, and after Greater Heat

    2020-11-08 Species navel orange four seasons Sanbao along with Gannan industry
  • Lily harvest and seed retention

    Lily harvest and seed retention

    1. Timely harvest (1) vegetable edible lily can harvest the Summer Solstice before Lesser Heat, the leaves of the lower part of the lily turn yellow, the bulb hypertrophy approaches the maximum value, and the sugar content of the scale reaches the highest value. In order to strive for the high price, "green lily" can be harvested as early as late June to late June to early July for vegetable use. For edible lily balls, because of its high water content and monosaccharide content, it is not suitable for seed and storage; used for processing dried lilies, the rate of finished products is not high. (2) the leaves of lily 2ripple 3 changed before and after Greater Heat was harvested in Yihuang, a medicinal and processing lily.
